Monday, September 28, 2009

Serra da Gardunha School (Fundão-Portugal) - 5ºB

One of the 5th Grades (5ºB) playing out the story they wrote. All the puppets were made by them in the Art Class.

Portugal Posting

After a nice warm summer holiday we are back at school to start a new school year as well as our second Project year.
By the end of last school year, after a long hard working year, the different kindergartens, primary schools and our middle school that are part of our project “Johnny Seven’s Friends” had completed the project work established for the first year.
All together we have twelve fabulous stories, about eighty puppets, four puppet suitcases, a rug telling story and five PowerPoint about Portugal.
The stories were played out to the lower and upper classes, to parents/grandparents and to the older people in a rest house.
This first project year has been wonderful. Everyone (teachers, students, school helpers, parents…) was motivated and really work hard. Knowledge was gain. Our students learnt more about Portugal and Europe. Computer knowledge and creativity were developed. Information was exchanged and everyone enjoyed themselves and had a great time.
Some photos of the puppets and the story playing will be posted.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jón is back to school

Dear friends

Now Jón is back to school and he is preparing his journey around Iceland. He is looking forward to visit new places that he can tell you all about. The kids in the school are also very excited to play with the puppets and have start the rehearsal.