Friday, February 6, 2009

2. form drawing with Jussike. Estonia, Sõmeru

Jussike visited art lesson in Sõmeru Basic School 2. form. After telling about his journey and project book´s pictionary, we told about words. Every pupil got some months to illustrate and soon nice pictures were ready!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Castelejo - Picture Dictionary

We also have to make a Picture Dictionary that means we have to draw wonderful drawing about the human body and about wild animals. We are going to become great artists!

Castelejo - Puppets

It’s time to play out our stories. Oh, oh, there’s a problem! Where are the puppets? Oh, dear! We have to make them. Right! Boys and girls, lets start collecting all sort of recycling material to make our puppets. Here we are busy working.

Castelejo Kindergarten

Hi! Everyone! We are in kindergarten. We too wrote stories about Joãozinho’s trip. As we still aren’t great writers, we asked our parents and grandparents to help us. We completed the stories with some lovely pictures. Have a peep!

Castelejo (Portugal) Posting

We have been really busy writing out stories about Johnny's trip and his seven stops. Each pupil in the 3rd and 4th Grade wrote out a story by themselves and then they read their stories to the class, some of them were very interesting and even funny.

The pupils in the 1st and 2nd Grade also wrote stories but their parents helped them as they are too young to write stories on their own. The families had a wonderful time.

We think our teachers also had a great time reading and correcting our stories. They seemed to be very happy.